
Showing posts from November, 2015

In the desert- Imagination writing.... by Asif Sultan Matta

Imagination Writing In the desert Asif Sultan 15-November-2015 She is wearing a shabby dusty garb, sand blemishes apparent, laughing with excitement; her hair tangled with sand, face stained. She has clutched her knees bensing down as she's tired, but chin up, eyes sparkling glued to me with passion; voice hoarcing with panting out of fatigue- still aspiring more love from me; running after me to catch me for a tight hug...  I am tired though but wanting you to chase me again to catch me,  to push me down to the sand again and love me... You want to play, play like a kid; run after me and tickle me so that I can fall down hence  to be mounted on by you... I remain docile, letting you catch me, push me down so that I can feel your love and I too can give vent to my overwhelming love feelings. Now I see you tired, gasping out of fatigue; lying straight on me. I cuddle you for some time then I make you sit up. I stand up and hold you in my arms, you coiling yours round my n

Her tears may drown us... by Asif Sultan Matta

Her tears may drown us. Asif Sultan Matta 22-November-2015 A feather in our cap; a great reason to boast about; a milk stream in our owned paradise, without which it is empty and sheenless- Yes Dal Lake. It is what we proudly feign about--- we may not call it a flowing milk stream in the paradise, cause' lake doesn't flow, but it doesn't adorn and deck it less than that shining white stream. Mountains, hills and hillocks beside it would have been colorless and barren without this lake in their lap. Lulling this beautiful inlet causes them brighten more and reflect their beauty more. Dal-Lake serves as the sun to shine our moonlike valley. As sun sets, its water mesmerizes every beholders eyes and gives them a healing soothe.  Ah! More's the pity that we, the custodians of this beautiful chunk,  leave no stone unturned in its defilement. This sacred lake in the paradise  is secrileged by those who represent it as holy by deeming its dwelling location as a paradise